The description of products is essential to lead the potential buyer to finalize a purchase. Learn, with these tips, how to create, on your website, the best possible product description!
Certainly, buying in physical establishments is less practical and comfortable than buying online, one of the reasons why e-commerce has grown so much while traditional retail seems to have its days numbered.
However, it can be seen that successful e-commerces are always those whose product presentations are the most complete and that provide the customer with such clear detailing of the product that he barely or even manages to notice that he is not, in fact, seeing or touching the product.
Suppose a potential customer has just entered your website, looking for a product that matches their needs well, a sofa.
He may even find the product he is looking for at a good price, but what are the chances of buying it without knowing its characteristics in depth?
This customer would hardly buy the sofa without knowing its dimensions, materials, warranty period and, especially, without seeing good photos that clearly show the image of the product he is thinking of purchasing.
Therefore, one of the great secrets behind the success of many e-commerce is the proper description of their products and services.
In fact, description is one of the most important aspects of your online store when it comes to conversion.
Check out the simple tips below and learn how to create great descriptions for your products:
1. Know who your target audience is
The first step in writing product descriptions is defining your target audience.
This way, you can define which features would be of most interest to your potential buyers.
This starts with understanding your buyer persona , a breakdown of the characteristics of your potential customers.
Your personas will help you understand which features will be most valuable to your customers .
When writing the product description, the following questions need to be kept in mind:
- How did this person get to your page?
- What are your interests, generally?
- Why would this person be interested in your Shopify store (for example), specifically?
- How would that person describe the product to a friend?
- What features or benefits would interest this person most?
2. Focus on the product’s benefits
As a business owner, you certainly care about sharing the qualities of your products, you want to show that your product has the best features and the most exclusive specifications.
A product feature is a factual statement about the provision of technical information .
A product benefit, on the other hand, tells you how a product can improve a buyer’s life .
The ideal, therefore, is always to seek to present the main characteristics of the product, as well as its main benefits.
3. Tell the full story
A good product description should provide all the relevant details, convince the buyer of its benefits and create an emotional impact.
Emotions greatly influence shopper behavior, so the product description is the perfect place to provoke emotions.
But how to do this?
By filling in the gaps that potential buyers might have about the product.
Therefore, in addition to the description of resources and benefits, it is necessary to touch the potential consumer with the story behind a particular product or service , or focus on highlighting social aspects, origin, spiritual, energetic, overcoming aspects… the customer comes across a story that captivates him through emotional channels.
To tell a story in your product description, try answering the following questions:
- Who originally made this product?
- What inspired you to make this product?
- What was the journey of making this product?
- How does this product look like in the buyer’s daily life?
Setting this scenario will help the prospective buyer visualize this product in a way that features and specifications never could .
4. Use Power Words That Sell
There are certain words and phrases that naturally trigger an emotional response in people.
Fortunately for e-commerce owners, these words help increase sales .
Aware of these words and phrases, you can convince your customers to make the purchase more easily .
Jon Morrow, on Smart Blogger, describes these words as “power words”:
- Grateful
- To enjoy
- Audacious
- Complete
- Conquest
- Heart
- Courage
- Breathtaking
- Amazing
- Hope
- backbone
- dizzying
- Happiness
- Faith
- Hero
- Incredible
- Miracle
- Dare
- Eyes open
- Without fear
- Sensational
When writing your product descriptions, look for descriptive words or adjectives that might wear a little bit of clothing.
Instead of using words like “nice” or “high quality”, opt for power words like “ stunning ” or “ sensational ”.
By using these descriptive, catchy words in your product descriptions, you tend to subtly convince shoppers that your products are exciting, impressive, and worth buying.
5. Make it easy to scan
In general, people are not very fond of reading and are likely to be more strongly impacted by images than by reading .
Internet users tend to read only about 16% of what is on shopping site pages.
Therefore, the product description needs to be able to capture that coveted 16% effectively .
You can do this by making your product descriptions super scannable.
This scanability means that the buyer is able to find exactly the information they want, without wasting time analyzing the others or searching through all the text for the information they want to find.
Make your product descriptions easy to scan by including bullet points, short paragraphs consisting of just a few sentences each, lots of white space, and different sized fonts, for example .
Elements and specifications can be easily placed in bullets .
The story and highlights can be neatly placed in a short paragraph .
The product name can be placed in a title (H1 or H2) .