Widgets are very important tools for creating a WordPress website. Its function is to add content to the sidebar or page footer. This helps create a more complete and information-rich digital environment. An example of a widget is the search bar. A fundamental item for most websites and blogs.
WordPress already features a range of widgets for the site administrator. But not all of them are essential to your business. In order not to be held hostage to what the platform offers you, it is possible to create your own Widget.
What is needed for widget development?
What do you need to know to create a widget? In this first step, you need to know the tools needed to assemble it.
To define the functions, use the WP_Widget class, which is considered API standard. The class provides approximately 20 different functions. There is no limit of functions to add. Evaluate which ones are necessary for what you need.
However, four functions are paramount and must have in any widget. They are in the topics below.
__construct() method
This function will be the basis for creating the widget. No wonder he is called a builder. It is he who will support the construction of the tool.
widget() method
The function that will determine the content of the widget.
form() method
The function that will determine the widget settings in the WordPress dashboard.
update() method
Every online tool needs updates from time to time. It is this function that will allow the widget to be updated whenever needed.
How to create a widget for WordPress?
Knowing the functions for creating a widget, it’s time to get your hands dirty and start the creation process. The next topics will be dedicated, therefore, to showing the pieces necessary for the formation of this puzzle.
1. Frontend
The creation of the widget will be in the hands of a frontend programmer, which is the part of the website that the user sees. There are two ways to start producing code: with a custom plugin or in the active theme’s functions.php file. It will be in one of these places that the methods will be written.
In this article, we will explain the creation in functions.php file. If you prefer the plugin method, there is another blog article explaining how to do it this way.
2. Administration (wp-admin)
The WordPress dashboard will be where the widget will be added. On the left side, there is the side panel menu. In the Appearance category, the widgets option will appear.
In this session, you can use a ready-made WordPress widget or add a custom one that you are creating yourself.
The form() function is for adding configuration fields in wp-admin, which is the WordPress dashboard.
3. Widget class (core)
Now it’s time to talk about the practical part of creating the widget. In previous topics, tools and language to create were mentioned. Check out in the topics below how it should be done.
- Construction
To build the widget, you will need to choose one of the WordPress classes. As already advanced, use the WP_Widget.
The first step is to create the __construct() function. This part is where the programmer will create the id, title, class name and description for the widget. It will be the base of the widget, where all the other functions will be supported.
The next step will be widget(). It will be the code here that will generate the widget content. It is he who will define the fields that will be displayed for the end user to be able to interact. For this build process, you will use PHPs.
- frontend display
From here, the codes will be facing the user screen. It is the form() step, which will be the areas where the user will interact with the widget. The name form comes from just that. The user will have to fill in a form to then display the data on the front-end.
- save the data
This is the update() part, the function that updates every time you save it. This is critical while you are in the creation process.
How to create and display your own areas for WordPress widgets?
With the widget created, it is necessary to have a space within the website or blog to insert it. Options are not lacking. WordPress offers several areas for displaying widgets.
If you are going to create a layout from scratch for your site, remember to leave a space for the widgets. Otherwise, you won’t have room for any and the appearance may look poor.
Check below the main areas for adding widgets in WordPress.
How to use the new widget area?
When defining the widgets on the site, WordPress will show you which are the areas where it can be added. On the left side of the screen all the widgets will be gathered, and on the right side will be the areas where they can be placed.
Just drag the desired widgets from the left corner to the right. The main widget areas are on the sides of the site or in the footer.
How to display widgets in the middle of content?
Widgets can also be inserted in the middle of the content. It is very common, in the course of the text, for the editor to place a form for the user to enter name and e-mail in order to receive some advantage.
In this case, the widget will have to be added in the add new post area. As it is not a standard widget and will always appear in the same place, it will be necessary to manually place it in each text.
How to display widgets with code only?
Adding the widget using just the code is one of the ways to put into practice what was said in the last topic. Whenever you add new content in WordPress, there is a link option called embed. It will show the article in code format. Just add the code wherever you like in the text.
The recommendation is to do an analysis with a heat map to find out where on the page the user looks the most. This could be a reference to the place to place the widget.
How do WordPress API Widgets work?
If we’re talking about custom widgets, it’s because the WordPress Widget API exists. It is thanks to it that it is possible to add widgets that do not belong to the website platform.
How to use WordPress documentation to create widgets?
It will only be possible to create a widget using the WordPress documentation. Basically, they give you the freedom to create one however you want, but it has to be on their terms. That’s why it’s necessary to use WP_Widget, as mentioned at the beginning of the article.
How to disable a widget?
A widget that was critical for a website in 2020 may no longer be critical for 2021. It’s pretty common. Then it will be necessary to disable the widget. There aren’t many secrets.
In the WordPress dashboard, go to the left menu and look for the Appearance option. There you will find the Widgets link . It will open a new page showing all available widgets and which ones you are using. Those that are active on the site will be on the right side of the screen. Just drag click and drag to the left side of the screen. It will automatically be deactivated from the website or blog.