Knowing what puppies can or cannot eat on a daily basis can be a recurring question for many owners. After all, there are several foods that can be harmful to animals. One of the foods that cause this doubt is okra: after all, can dogs eat okra?
Read on to find out if okra is among the foods allowed in the diet of puppies. You will also check out some tips on how to offer food to four-legged friends and understand whether or not other foods that generate doubts can be consumed by furry ones. Come on?
Okra for dogs: can or can’t you?
Okra is a vegetable of African origin and is present in several dishes of regional cuisine, mainly in states such as Minas Gerais and Bahia. But the question that doesn’t want to shut up is this: can tutors offer okra for dogs ?
The answer is yes! Okra is a low-calorie and non-toxic food for animals. In addition to not harming the health of dogs in any way, the vegetable is also rich in several nutrients that can be beneficial for their well-being.
Calcium, phosphorus, vitamin K, potassium and magnesium are among the micronutrients present in okra. The food is still rich in polyphenols and fibers, which help to regulate the intestines of puppies, facilitate digestion and fight the action of free radicals in the body.
As okra is very low in calories, it can be a great addition to the diet of dogs who need to maintain a controlled diet to lose weight. Therefore, the dog can eat okra, especially if it is overweight and needs to regulate its diet to avoid more serious problems.
How to offer okra to a dog?
Now that you already know that you can feed okra to a dog , another question that may arise is what is the best way to include this food in the pet’s diet. According to veterinarians, dogs can eat okra raw or cooked, but it is best to steam it or cook it on low heat.
In addition, it should be prepared without seasoning or salt and cut into small pieces to prevent puppies from choking or getting food stuck in their throats.
Another very common way to include the vegetable in the diet of pets is to give okra water to dogs . This preparation is nothing more than leaving the okra soaking in a container with water and then draining the water to offer it to the animals.
According to a popular belief circulating on the internet, okra juice can prevent or even cure distemper and parvovirus. But the truth is that this is just a myth: there is no scientific proof that food actually works as a medicine that fights these diseases.
What happens is that food helps in the hydration of pets, which can be very important in periods when four-legged friends are sick, as hydration is essential for a good recovery. However, to fulfill this objective any type of liquid counts, and not just the one made with okra.
If you want to know how to make okra juice for dogs , know that this is a very simple preparation. Just wash a whole okra well, cut its ends and beat it in a blender with about 200 ml of water. Then, just strain and serve to pet in a container suitable for consumption.
Benefits of okra for dogs
The benefits of okra for dogs are still unknown, as there is no scientific evidence. However, it can be said that the food causes satiety in the dog, due to the amount of fibers contained.
Although you know that dogs can eat okra, as the vegetable provides important nutrients, remember that the food should not be consumed in excess on a daily basis. That’s because the excess fiber contained in it can end up deregulating the pet’s digestive tract.
In addition, okra still has a high concentration of oxalates in its composition. Oxalates are substances that influence urinary health. They should be avoided in dogs predisposed to oxalate stone formation.
Therefore, it is important to control vegetable consumption on a daily basis. For pets that already have a pre-existing disease in the urinary tract, the most recommended thing by veterinarians is to offer this food in the diet very carefully, only once in a while. After all, prevention is better than cure.
What are toxic dog foods?
Dogs can eat okra, yes. However, not all vegetables and fruits are allowed to be consumed by pets. That’s because many of them have toxic properties, which can cause health damage and even kill puppies when consumed.
Among the most dangerous foods for dogs that should never be offered are: chocolate, grapes, raisins, avocados, coffee, macadamia nuts, garlic and onions. If you have any questions about a specific food, it’s worth consulting your vet before giving it to your dog.